cpu duplication problem

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cpu duplication problem

Post by DjeSan »

Hello I hope you are well so I would like to know if it is normal I explain
I have a 4400 with a duplication but since this morning I realize that I have switched to the cpuB (while the cpuA is the main cpu) and I also realize (with the twin command) that the duplication mode is activated but when I use the "switch" command I get a message "The Stand-By CPU is absent or not initialized. Command Unavailable." I attach screenshots but I wonder where the problem is.
I have a R10.1 version with CPU7
ps :sorry for my English

(0)siege_cpub> twin

Mon Mar 13 15:04:53 WAT 2023

Usage : twin [Redundancy Cpu Enable (y/n)]

Role and CPU positions:

Role of the CPU : MAIN

CPU position : 06

CPU address :

Twin CPU position : UNKNOWN

Twin CPU address : UNKNOWN

Redundancy State:

Duplicated configuration : YES

Wished sig. transfer mode : C1 signalling channel

Transmission CPU-CPU : KO

Telephony redundancy : KO

monitel redundancy : KO

memloader redundancy : KO

All applications redundancy : KO

| Cr | cpl| cpl type | hw type | cpl state | coupler ID |
| 0 | 0 | eUA32|---------- |ONLY OPS FILE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 0 | 1 | NPRAE|---------- | IN SERVICE | 3BA23254AAAD03 |
| 0 | 2 | eZ32|---------- | IN SERVICE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 0 | 4 | PRA2|---------- | IN SERVICE | 3BA23076AABD01 |
| 0 | 5 | GPA2|---------- | IN SERVICE | 3BA23241AAAC04 |
| 0 | 6 | CPU7_STEP2|---------- | IN SERVICE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 0 | 7 | IO2N|---------- | IN SERVICE | 3BA23190ABAC07 |
| 0 | 8 | NDDI2|---------- | IN SERVICE | 3BA23171ABBE02 |
| 0 | 9 | PRA2|---------- | IN SERVICE | 3BA23076AAAC02 |
| 0 | 10 | UA32|---------- | IN SERVICE | 3BA53050ABBC01 |
| 0 | 11 | eUA32|---------- | IN SERVICE | 3BA23266AAAA03 |
| 0 | 12 | NDDI2|---------- | IN SERVICE | 3BA23171ABBE02 |
| 0 | 13 | MMSFD|---------- |ONLY MAO FILE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 0 | 14 | UA32|---------- | IN SERVICE | 3BA53050ABBC01 |
| 0 | 15 | UA32|---------- | IN SERVICE | 3BA53050ABBC01 |
| 0 | 16 | PCM2|---------- | IN SERVICE | 3BA23064ACAF05 |
| 0 | 17 | VPU5|---------- |ONLY OPS FILE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 0 | 18 | NDDI|---------- | IN SERVICE | 3BA53095ADBB05 |
| 0 | 19 | NPRAE|---------- |ONLY OPS FILE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 0 | 20 | CPU7_STEP2|---------- | REG NOT INIT | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 0 | 21 | IO2N|---------- | IN SERVICE | 3BA23190ABAC07 |
| 0 | 22 | eZ32|---------- | IN SERVICE | 3BA23265ABCB04 |
| 0 | 23 | PCM2|---------- | REG NOT INIT | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 0 | 24 | INTOF_A|---------- | IN SERVICE | 3BA53118AABB02 |
| 0 | 25 | PCM2|---------- |ONLY OPS FILE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 0 | 26 | eUA32|---------- | IN SERVICE | 3BA23266AAJA03 |
| 0 | 27 | UA32|---------- | IN SERVICE | 3BA23242AABK01
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Posts: 1431
Joined: 29 Mar 2010 11:09

Re: cpu duplication problem

Post by haroun »

ipresume netadmin is ok
cpu A is not initialized
run this command role -b on the main cpu you should see not ready
and connect to the faulty and run the command role, also check the autostart in both cpus under swinst
if autostart is not set! set it in both and restart the faulty one
if it's already set you have to start cpu manually b the command RUNTEL
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