HSL 1 and 2

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Re: RE: Re: HSL 1 and 2

Post by L_lefante »

vad wrote: But if you have one expansion cabinet and HSL2? F.e. during initial ordering - was supplyed HSL2 (for future expansion).
Is for this reason that I ask. We are installing a new expansion shelf and I want to make sure if gd has hsl2 and it should work or if it has hsl1 and need to be replaced.

As you can see, from this depends turning off the gd or not.

There should be some place where to look this.


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Re: HSL 1 and 2

Post by tgn »

maybe there is an information in the logs (in /var/log) on the gd?


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Re: HSL 1 and 2

Post by murraya »

good point however if Actis was used to configure the original install it would only have opted for hsl1.
maybe you have the actis files for the system, if so then on the last tab (cabinets) hover over the GD and it will show what was ordered.
of course this is not a garentee as the installer may have swapped it out but you have to trust something I guess.
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Re: HSL 1 and 2

Post by cavagnaro »

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