4059 IP Attendant SBC SESSION-L3OPEN, l2 protocol init failed message

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4059 IP Attendant SBC SESSION-L3OPEN, l2 protocol init failed message

Post by khchaneric »

Hi guys,

I've the issue on 4059EE connection recently. The 4059 are not able to connect with the error message "OmniPCX Communication failure: SS_SBC SESSION-L3OPEN, l2 protocol init". But when we swap the role of the CPU (e.g. Main> Standby and Standby > Main). It works fine.

No issue of IPDesktopSoftphone in both CPU

We did power recycle of the issued CPU but no hope.

Would you please advise any clues?

Log of 4059EE
ABCACom32 DebugFile - date: 22/05/23 - 18:48:20 (37250046 ms)
ABCACom32 Version:


GetFreeAbcaComIDByFile - ReadBuffer 0x00000000000000fb\r\n0x0000000000000000\n !
GetFreeAbcaComIDByFile - strMaskIDL 0x00000000000000fb\r !
GetFreeAbcaComIDByFile - strMaskIDH 0x0000000000000000\n !
GetFreeAbcaComIDByFile - MaskID:0x00000000000000ff\r\n0x0000000000000000\n - ID:2 !
ERROR:37250121 tftp : connection failed...
ERROR:37250445 tftp : connection failed...
ERROR:37250771 tftp : connection failed...
ERROR:37251080 [st]: Opened l3prot = IP link failed
ERROR:37251080 ABCA_IF: L2 UAUDP Protocol Init (TFTP main) Failed
ERROR:37251080 [st]: Opened l3prot = IP link failed
ERROR:37251080 ABCA_IF: L2 UAUDP Protocol Init (TFTP op1) Failed
ERROR:37251080 [st]: Opened l3prot = IP link failed
ERROR:37251080 ABCA_IF: L2 UAUDP Protocol Init (TFTP op2) Failed
ERROR:37252096 l3_close_session_req (session:6, access:2d47f60)
ERROR:37252096 Supression objet from access (access:2d47f60)

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Joined: 29 Mar 2010 11:09

Re: 4059 IP Attendant SBC SESSION-L3OPEN, l2 protocol init failed message

Post by haroun »

see tis thread same isuue , may you pc firewall is the root

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