Help with understanding SPB management

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Help with understanding SPB management

Post by Cristek »

Hello all,
I'm trying to learn and understand how to configure and manage an SPB network. I understand that some models are not capable of single-pass inline routing, and I want to make sure I understand the difference in configuration style for both scenarios.
Unfortunately, I currently have no access to models that are SPB capable, so I'm asking here if this configuration is correct or if I missed something. This is purely a learning exercise as I never dealt with SPB before.

This is the topology:

Layer2 service.
Same customer on both 1/1/1 ports and 2 vlans need to pass through the SPB domain (I.E voice and data or whatever).
Routing between vlans happens on the customer router connected to BEB1 (not shown in the picture).
This is my configuration:

Code: Select all

# on all BEB and BCB switches:
spb bvlan 4000 ect-id 1
spb bvlan 4001 ect-id 2
spb bvlan 4002 ect-id 3
spb isis control-bvlan 4000
spb isis interface port 1/1/23
spb isis interface port 1/1/24
spb isis admin-state enable

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# on BEB1 and BEB2:
service access port 1/1/1
service 10010 spb isid 10010 bvlan 4001		# do I need admin-state enable here?
service 10010 sap port 1/1/1:10			# do I need admin-state enable here?
service 10020 spb isid 10020 bvlan 4002
service 10020 sap port 1/1/1:20
And now a couple of questions:
- Do I need admin-state enable where noted above? As in, everytime I create a service? Or is it there by default?
- This topology has 2 equal cost paths. Do I need bvlan 4001 and 4002, or can I use 4000 (the control-bvlan) for one of those paths?
What's best practice here for this example?

Now for management:
I keep seeing different variations of ALE documentation on this, but assuming everything is correct so far, this is how I believe I can manage this topology for both scenarios of when I have (and don't have) single-pass inline routing devices.

Is this config correct for when all my nodes support single-pass inline routing?

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ip interface BEB1 address vlan 4000		# for BEB1
service 14000 spb isid 14000 bvlan 4000
service 14000 sap port 1/1/1:4000

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ip interface BCB1 address vlan 4000		# for BCB1

Code: Select all

ip interface BCB2 address vlan 4000		# for BCB2

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ip interface BEB2 address vlan 4000		# for BEB2
Is it really as simple as tagging 4000 on 1/1/1 and letting the customer's router handle the rest? Or am I missing something here?
And giving it a default gateway ip static-route gateway for remote access?

And like-wise, in case I have older models that do not support single-pass inline routing, then would this config be correct:

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vrf create MANAGEMENT					# for BEB1
 ip interface MANAGEMENT address vlan 4000
 ip service all admin-state enable
service 14000 spb isid 14000 bvlan 4000
service 14000 sap port 1/1/1:4000

Code: Select all

vrf create MANAGEMENT					# for BCB1
 ip interface MANAGEMENT address vlan 4000
 ip service all admin-state enable

Code: Select all

vrf create MANAGEMENT					# for BCB2
 ip interface MANAGEMENT address vlan 4000
 ip service all admin-state enable

Code: Select all

vrf create MANAGEMENT					# for BEB2
 ip interface MANAGEMENT address vlan 4000
 ip service all admin-state enable
This feels like I'm missing something important so I'm guessing this one is definitely wrong. Do note that this is for a Layer2 scenario so I'd still need a default gateway ip static-route gateway same as above.
I guess I could also tag vlan 4000 on a different port (say 1/1/2) and uplink it to the customer's switch, but would it work instead?

Can someone more experienced and involved with SPB share the best way to manage this SPB network for both scenarios?
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Re: Help with understanding SPB management

Post by silvio »

First you need to create the three bvlan.
No need to enable the services.
For the count of bvlan it is the best practice to choose the count of equal cost path - so for you two. Use the first of the both as control bvlan.
For routing within spb there are big differences between older hardware and all new switches. 6860N/6870/9900 and all new 6900 are able to bound an ip interface direct to a service.
But for management you can do it at all switches (so also at 6860/6860E and the older 6900) - like in your example bound the ip to vlan 4000.
Normaly it is not necessare to tag that vlan to the outside via the SAP (with :4000). Better to have one of the spb switches with a "normal" vlan-bounded ip interface. Than you route the traffic to the spb management (f.e. static routes at that switch and at the next hop).
Also there are other possibilities for management: out of band via EMP or (not recommended) with a overlay vlan (tagged on the isis interfaces). My preference is the explained: only the management bvlan with an ip interface at all nodes. And routing to the outside.
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Re: Help with understanding SPB management

Post by Cristek »

Thanks Silvio, this really seems easy compared to MPLS and all the stuff that can go wrong...

I'll have some 6860s with me in the next couple of months for some projects and I'll be able to lab this (time permitting)!

Thanks for helping, this was informative!
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